We bring you news on the latest condo launches in Singapore.

Aug 2, 2010

Official Condo Launch Date

Condo Launch Singapore: Official Condo Launch Date

The official condo launch date is the date that developers launch their condominiums for sale to the public.

But before the official condo launch date, there are special condo preview launch date for a select few who show keen interest in purchasing the condo for sale, and who have the money to invest in property.

That date is the so-called pre-launch date for VIP or VVIP.

How do you get yourself invited to the special condo preview launch date? How do you get into the sales process on the un-official condo pre-launch date?

Simple. Read our Condo Launch Singapore site for the latest news on un-official and official condo launch date.

Keep track of official condo launch date with Condo Launch Singapore!


Note: Property price is subject to change without notice. Prices quoted today may go up or come down depending on property cycles. You should also compare and double check property prices before making any decision to purchase a new launch condominium or new launch property project.
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